Report an Issue
Report issues such as overgrown grass and weeds, abandoned vehicles, parks maintenance requests, potholes, rodents, tree concerns, sanitation issues, and more.

43rd District Court
The 43rd District Court handles all traffic cases including formal and informal hearings, trials, and parking violations.
305 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220
Animal Services
Oakland County Animal Control oversees animal services in Ferndale.
1200 N. Telegraph Rd Building 42 E Pontiac, MI 48341
City Clerk
The City Clerk acts as the City's records keeper, liaison between City Council and the public, and the City's elections official.
248-546-2525 ext. 107
300 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220
City Hall
City Hall serves as the primary administrative building for the City of Ferndale's government. 300 E. 9 Mile is used for City Council meetings held in the downstairs City Council Chambers. Key public services and their associated departments include the City Clerk's Office, City Manager's Office, Community & Economic Development, Finance Department, and Special Events.ections Official.
300 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220
City Manager
The Office of the City Manager serves as the focal point for the executive leadership and direction of the city organization.
300 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220
The Communications Department works with every department to ensure cohesive and consistent modes of communication, marketing, and branding City-wide.
248-546-2525 Ext. 132
300 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220
Downtown Development Authority
The Ferndale DDA is a nonprofit agency that focuses on business investment, retention, and redevelopment in the area dedicated as Ferndale’s Downtown.
248-546-1632 Ext. 703
300 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220
Fire Station 1
Ferndale Fire is proud to provide fire rescue services and EMS services to the communities of Ferndale, Pleasant Ridge, and Royal Oak Township.
1635 Livernois Ave. Ferndale, MI 48220
Fire Station 2
Ferndale Fire is proud to provide fire rescue services and EMS services to the communities of Ferndale, Pleasant Ridge, and Royal Oak Township
1070 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, MI 48220
Human Resources
In addition to employment, the Human Resources Department provides service and consultation in the areas of benefit administration, employee and labor relations, and education and training.
300 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220
Police Department
The Police Department is committed to safeguarding and serving the Ferndale community with integrity, respect, vision, and leadership.
310 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220
Public Works
The Department of Public Works delivers a variety of services that citizens rely on, such as park maintenance, streets and parking lot maintenance, and water and sewer service.
521 E. Cambourne St. Ferndale, Michigan 48220
Special Events
The Special Events Department is the central point of contact for those interested in holding a special event in the City of Ferndale.
248-546-2361 Ext. 103
300 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220
The Water Billing Department is responsible for the administration of all water accounts. Contact the Water Department for any questions related to your water bill, to register for water service, arrange for a final reading, or to request a water bill status for a property.
300 E. Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, Michigan 48220