Tree Planting and Maintenance

The City of Ferndale has been a Tree City USA-designated community for over 25 years. The current urban canopy cover for the City is 32%, with a goal of achieving 40%. To improve our canopy, the City has created a variety of programs—including a community tree planting program, tree maintenance program, and updates to some ordinances and policies—to ensure safe, healthy tree coverage now and into the future. 

Track Your Trees

The City uses TreeKeeper to document and preserve information regarding Ferndale's urban tree canopy. This includes the number and variety of trees located in public spaces—parks, right-of-way, and medians. Surveys are completed by one quadrant annually on a five-year cycle. View the full Ferndale Tree Management Plan, courtesy of Davey Resource Group in November of 2018 (updated plan coming in 2025). 

Tree Policies

While Ferndale strives to preserve the current tree canopy, sometimes trees must be removed. Ferndale is a zero-loss community, meaning if trees are removed for any reasons (new development, hazard, disease, etc.) the same number and/or size of the tree must be replaced. The City also has several ordinances that protect trees and other vegetation throughout the community. These are in place to ensure that the urban canopy is protected and maintained appropriately, especially in new development. 

Community Tree Planting Program

Residents and business owners have an easy and inexpensive option to improve Ferndale’s Urban Tree Canopy by applying for a right-of-way (between the sidewalk and curb) at their address. 


Community tree plantings occur annually in the spring and the fall.  After submitting the form, the Department of Public Works (DPW) will inspect the location to determine whether the site is a good location for the species selected. Applicants will be contacted in the spring to schedule the delivery/planting of your tree, and to make arrangements for payment. All trees are sourced from local, licensed nurseries, and come with a one-year warranty.


Interested in purchasing and planting your own tree? No problem! 


Please fill out the Tree Request Form. 

Tree Maintenance Program

DPW provides maintenance on trees located in public spaces. Tree maintenance includes corrective pruning, mulching, or removal due to pests or severe damage. DPW does not conduct tree maintenance on private property and our Parks and Forestry crews will not fulfill requests to remove healthy trees. If tree maintenance is conducted on trees in your neighborhood, DPW will notify you accordingly via a leave-behind door hanger. 


Residents that would like to report a maintenance issue with City trees should submit a See Click Fix report or call the DPW Front Desk at 248-546-2519. Because the City has over 10,000 trees, DPW prioritizes high risk, poor health trees, so sometimes smaller items like pruning and tree training can take some time to get to. 


If you would like to trim or maintain trees located within the right-of-way on your property, you can submit a Tree Maintenance Permit at no charge. 

Zoning and Landscaping Ordinances

The zoning ordinance covers all land uses throughout Ferndale. This includes the downtown, residential, and industrial areas, with variable transition zones between each zone. The landscaping component of the zoning ordinance ensures the preservation of trees, specifically on new development projects. This was carefully reviewed and coordinates with Chapter 20 – Vegetation Ordinance. For exact language, please see Chapter 24 – Zoning, Landscaping Section


Every effort will be made to preserve the existing urban tree canopy. If trees are removed (due to development, disease, or hazard), there are two options for replacement: the same number or size must be replaced on-site in a different location, or the tree must be paid for based on the diameter at the breast height (DBH), a common tree measurement, and priced at $200/DBH. 

Property owners must submit and pay for a Tree Maintenance Permit anytime a tree is removed within City limits. 

Helpful Links

  • Trees are a vital piece of a City’s infrastructure. Healthy tree-lined streets are a key component to creating a more walkable, livable, and sustainable city and providing economic benefits to residents, businesses, and the city in terms of both added value and dollars saved. See a copy of Ferndale’s Climate Action Plan here for more information.  
  • Increasing resiliency is a key element in responding to the current climate crisis, and Ferndale’s tree program is essential to that. See the Ferndale Sustainability Initiatives page for more information. 
  • Need a tree trimmed or removed on your private property? Find a certified arborist in the State of Michigan. Selecting a Certified Arborist ensures that the tree is properly trimmed, treated, or removed safely.
  • The US Department of Agriculture Forest Service developed a manual for tree owners that covers everything from tree selection to maintenance.
  • For the best results from your planting, it's important to choose the right tree. See the Michigan DNR website to help you pick the perfect tree for your space.