March 21 2024
Yard Waste Season Begins

Yard waste season begins on Monday, April 1, 2024.
Yard waste is collected weekly on your regular trash day annually from April to December. Between December and April, yard waste can be dropped off for free at SOCRRA's transfer station. Visit for more information.
Yard waste can either be placed in a reusable container with the Ferndale Compost Yard Waste label below (available at City Hall or the DPW yard) or paper kraft bags (available at most local hardware stores.)
Yard waste is a form of yard debris that is not any form of trash or recycling. For a full list of acceptable items, visit Yard waste can include small sticks, leaves, weeds, and grass clippings, small stumps, wood chips, and logs, untreated, unpainted, and nail-free wood boards, brush, etc. Yard waste cannot include meat, fish, bones, oils and fats, dairy products, cooked food, bread, coffee grounds, egg shells, pet manure or cat litter, charcoal from grills, plastic or paper products, and more.
Did you know we also have a compost program? Composting is a sustainable alternative of food waste disposal that turns into rich, healthy soil. Register for the City’s residential program at All food waste goes to a certified compost facility. Visit to learn more about the compost program.
For more information, contact DPW at 248-546-2519.