March 21 2022
Yard Waste Pickup Returns April 4

Yard waste collection is right around the corner! Curbside yard waste pickup will begin on Monday, April 4, and run through mid-December. Yard waste—including grass clippings, leaves, small sticks, and weeds—is collected weekly on your regular trash day. Yard waste should be placed in either a reusable container with a Ferndale Yard Waste Compost label (labels available at DPW) or paper kraft bags (available at most local hardware and home improvement stores).
Did you know that you can also add fruit and vegetable scraps from your gardens, trees, or kitchens to your yard waste? This sustainable practice will help keep food waste out of the trash and turn it back to healthy soil available to our community. Collect fruit and vegetable scraps in a sealed container all week long, and add them to your grass clippings, tree trimmings, spent flowers, etc. in an acceptable container for pickup. No coffee grounds, eggshells, cooked foods, meats, oils, paper products, biodegradable products, or pet manure will be accepted. Visit SOCRRA's website to view the full list of guidelines for yard waste collection, or contact with questions.
For questions, contact DPW at 248-546-2525 (Option #3).