November 24 2021
Parks and Recreation Master Plan Survey

The Master Plan is a guidebook for Ferndale’s decision-makers based on the community’s unified version of our City. The Master Plan provides actionable steps and helps officials decided how to direct City funding, what initiatives to take on tangible goals and milestone for the next five years.
One branch of this plan is the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, which works to understand the community’s needs to improve accessibility, equity, and programming. The goal is to ensure the implementable plans that will ensure spatial equity.
In conjunction with this plan, the project team is looking to gain further understanding regarding the existing conditions, and present and future vision of Ferndale Parks and Recreation. This ten-minute survey is critical to shaping recreation and outdoor space throughout the community.
To take the survey, please click here.
For a full breakdown of the full Master Plan process, please view the project page.
The 2021 Parks & Recreation Master Plan draft is now available here.
Comments on the Plan can be submitted in person during the listed meetings (a joint Parks and Recreation and Planning Commission public meting on January 19 at 6:30 pm in City Hall Council Chambers as well as a Public Hearing on January 24 at the scheduled City Council Meeting at 7pm), by email to the Parks and Recreation Department at, or by calling (248) 544-6767.