February 25 2025
Ferndale Partnered with OLHSA to Offer Home Chore Grants for Qualified Residents

The City of Ferndale and the Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA) are pleased to announce a Home Chore Grant for Ferndale residents. Qualified low-income residents and seniors can apply for home repairs and yard cleanup for projects up to $5,000.
After extensive communications and surveying of residents, OLHSA and City staff narrowed down the prioritized areas of porch repairs, roof repairs, plumbing, furnaces, and yard cleanup.
The City is thrilled to present this program. “City Council and staff worked tirelessly to secure this $380,000 OLHSA Senior Chore Program grant,” said Roger Caruso, Community and Economic Development Director. “This grant will help disabled and low-income members of the community invest in their homes—which means they can stay in Ferndale much longer.”
Please keep in mind there are qualifications needed for the program.
The home must usually be a single-family, owner-occupied dwelling located in the City of Ferndale.
The home must be a low-income household under current HUD guidelines.
The homeowner must be aged 62 or older or qualify as an adult with severe disabilities.
The repair must be necessary to maintain the health, safety, and welfare of occupants.
The household may only receive one grant. A maximum of $5,000 will be awarded per household.
Preference will be given based on emergency repairs, income, and first-time applicants.
Councilwoman Rolanda Kelley extends her thanks to Community and Economic Development Director Roger Caruso, Communications Specialist Reilly Coleman, Parks and Recreation Senior Liaison Alicia Pardo, and Mayor Raylon Leaks-May for the team effort to ensure these funds will be used in an impactful way. “Together, we are focused on getting the most out of every dollar to help as many residents as possible stay in their homes and remain part of the community they love,” said Kelley.
How to Apply:
Qualified residents can visit bit.ly/HomeChoreGrantProgram to access the application or pick up one in person at Ferndale City Hall or the Parks and Recreation Office in Incubizo. Submission instructions can be found on the application. Please reach out to Alicia Pardo at apardo@ferndalemi.gov or call 248-544-6767 x 503 for questions on how to receive an application. The deadline to apply for priority consideration is Monday, April 28, 2025.
“It is my honor and privilege to work with City staff and Councilmembers who are committed to increasing the quality of life for our seniors and adults with disabilities,” said Mayor Raylon Leaks-May. “Generous grant funding from organizations like OLHSA allows us this opportunity.”
The City extends its gratitude to OLHSA for bringing this program to the community and is looking forward to the positive changes it will bring to Ferndale.
More Information:
If you have questions about the projects or general contracting concerns, please contact Community and Economic Development Director Roger Caruso at 248-546-2363 or rcaruso@ferndalemi.gov.
If you need assistance filling out the form or have questions about the qualification process, please reach out to OLHSA Program Support Coordinator Alessandra Baglioni at 248-935-6898 or alessandrab@olhsa.org.
If you are a senior resident and or need additional assistance receiving the form, please contact Parks and Recreation Senior Coordinator Alicia Pardo at 248-544-6767 x 503 or apardo@ferndalemi.gov.