November 10 2021
Obsolete Water Meter Fee Billing Clarification

We’ve received a lot of questions about the obsolete water meter fee, and we would like to offer a few points of clarification regarding the $100 charge you may be seeing on your water bill.
On October 1, 2021, the City of Ferndale approved a fee for any property that has not upgraded its water meter through the Department of Public Works (DPW). The water meter replacement late fee is $100 per billing cycle. However, any fees incurred by a property may be reimbursed to the billing account through a credit if an appointment is made and kept by December 31, 2021.
If your meter change has been scheduled and completed, you may still see a $100 charge due to the timing of when your meter was completed and the time your quarterly water bill was calculated. If you see this charge appear on your bill, but have already completed your water meter change, please wait until you receive the next bill to see this fee removed. If for some reason the charge remains, and you have had your meter changed, please reach out to Water Billing Specialist Tim Brown at
Residents who have NOT had their meter changed, and have NOT been contacted to schedule an appointment are encouraged to contact UMS to schedule an appointment. To schedule an appointment online, please click here. Alternative scheduling options are available via the letter you may have received in the mail. You may also see a $100 charge on your water bill relating to the obsolete meter fee (see below). However, if you schedule and complete the water meter change by the end of the calendar year, this fee will be waived. Once again, you may still see a $100 charge on your water bill. However, if you schedule and complete the water meter change by the end of the calendar year, this fee will be waived.
As this operation continues, the City will be working closely with UMS to provide detailed updates on this process. At the end of November, you may start to see door hangers or mail notices delivered by UMS to properties that still require a meter change.
We understand this is a confusing process, and we appreciate your patience. For any questions or concerns, please email