February 26 2024
Everything You Need to Know About the Presidential Primary Election

The Presidential Primary Election is on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. For individuals on the absentee application list or the absentee ballot list who have received the ballot request forms, please return them with your selected political party as soon as possible. It's also not too late to request an absentee ballot. If you haven’t applied for an absentee ballot but would still like to, please visit https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/AVApplication/Index.
Why do I have to select a political party for the presidential primary?
This Presidential Primary Election operates a little differently than other elections, which typically only have one ballot type per precinct. For this election, there are two separate ballots—one for each major political party (MCL 168.615c).
Per Michigan Election law, the only parties that are qualified to have a Presidential Primary in 2024 are the Democratic and Republican parties (MCL 168.613a).
Do I have to be a registered Republican or Democrat to participate in Michigan’s Presidential Primary?
No, you do not have to register with a political party. This lets any registered voter in the State of Michigan participate in the primary election. However, Michigan Election laws require voters to choose the ballot of the political party they'd like to vote.
When I select a party ballot for the Presidential Primary, does that mean I have to vote in the same party primary in August?
No, voters can vote in one political party for the Presidential Primary Election and vote for the other party in the August Primary Election.
Who is on the ballot? Why are candidates who dropped out still on the ballot?
See the Michigan Voter Information Center www.Michigan.gov/vote for a sample ballot, which lists all candidates on the ballot. Although some of the candidates have since suspended their campaigns, Michigan law required that the candidate listing be finalized in December 2023.
Will there be other things on the Presidential Primary ballot?
The Presidential Primary ballot will not include races for other elected positions. The City of Ferndale does not have any local ballot initiatives coinciding with the 2024 Presidential Primary Election. Therefore, a local-only ballot option will not be available this election.
Who can I contact for more information?
For more information about your ballot, visit mi.gov/vote. For other questions, please email elections@ferndalemi.gov.