October 09 2023
Ferndale Community Foundation Accepting 2023 Nonprofit Grant Applications

The Ferndale Community Group Foundation – an organization that provides grant funding to in-need community groups in the areas of health, culture, education, the arts, and other human services – has released its grant application for 2023.
According to Foundation Chairperson and former Mayor Dan Martin, grants are available to nonprofit groups and organizations for projects that provide opportunities for people in public art, health programs, human services, education, and other areas. The total amount awarded will be $25,000, made up of multiple individual grants of up to $3,000 each. Eligible applicants must be based in Ferndale or work on behalf of the City and its residents. Please note that the organization is not considering requests specifically aimed at funding general operating expenses at this time.
To be considered for a grant, download and complete the application and return it with additional information about your project/organization (if applicable) by no later than Friday, November 3. You can submit the application by email to dan.martin72@yahoo.com or by mail to:
Ferndale Community Foundation Grants Submission
Ferndale City Manager’s Office
300 E. Nine Mile Rd.
Ferndale, Mi 48220
For questions or additional information, or to receive a paper application, please contact Dan Martin at 248-762-4067 or by emailing dan.martin72@yahoo.com.