About the Commission
Members are appointed by the Mayor and must be City residents. Members should have some background in fields related to the Commission's purpose. Special Events Director Michael Lary serves as staff liaison. Councilmember Laura Mikulski serves as Council liaison. Preferred qualifications/areas of expertise include:
- Advertising/marketing/public relations
- Forestry
- Event planning
- Horticulture
- Landscape architecture
- Property maintenance/management
- Real estate
- Art
- Culture
- Education
- Music
Ferndale Collective
The Ferndale Collective promotes public art by creating opportunities for local artists, encouraging investment in community arts and culture, and promoting community arts engagement.

Beautification Awards
The Beautification Commission manages the community Beautification Awards Program, recognizing residents and business owners whose lawns and gardens contribute to the overall beauty of the city. All award winners receive a lawn sign to be placed on their properties for the duration of their award month. Know someone with a wild, wonderful, or well-landscaped yard? Nominate them for an upcoming award!